From XU Magazine, 
Issue 40

Here's How We've Bolstered Our Platform At ExpenseOnDemand, Making It a Genuine Game-Changer For Xero Customers

Business finance; a movable feast, ever-shifting sands, a landscape in flux. Whatever your chosen analogy, one core fact remains the same: it’s an industry as changeable as it is competitive. So what does that mean for you and your business?
This article originated from the Xero blog. The XU Hub is an independent news and media platform - for Xero users, by Xero users. Any content, imagery and associated links below are directly from Xero and not produced by the XU Hub.
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It means staying ahead of the curve is vital. At ExpenseOnDemand, we understand the need for innovative solutions. Solutions that not only simplify expense management, but that integrate with the tools you already use. No one needs extra work on their plate, right?

We’re excited to unveil our latest suite of features, built specifically with Xero customers like you in mind. Let’s dive in and find out more.

New Offerings We’re Bringing To the Table

Imagine having over 100 functions at your fingertips; each tailored to streamline and enhance your expense management process.

From automated credit card feeds to advanced vendor management, and beyond – we’ve made some big strides to ensure our platform continues to help change the game, for small businesses and Xero users alike.

Automated Credit Card Feed with Plaid Integration

Tired of manual data entry and the inevitable errors that come with it? Our new integration with Plaid allows you to – automatically and with no fuss – sync your credit card transactions with ExpenseOnDemand.

Securely connect your bank accounts, and capture all your credit card transactions in real-time: ensuring pinpoint accuracy and saving valuable time.

Container Functionality

Good organisation is the key to effective expense management. With our new container functionality, you can group all related expenses into categories, such as travel, or project-specific costs.

This simplifies tracking, reporting, and analysing expenses in a big way; providing you a clearer view of spending patterns and helping you stay within budget.

Enhanced  Functionality

Managing vendor relationships just got easier. A whole lot easier.

Our enhanced vendor management capabilities not only allow you to track and record expenses related to specific vendors – you can also process payments directly within the platform.

This significantly accelerates your accounts payable process and ensures timely payments. The result? Stronger, more positive vendor relationships.

Collectively or individually, these features are way more than superficial, bolt-ons. They're carefully designed to change – in a meaningful way – how you manage your business expenses.

By giving you greater control and insight into your operations, ExpenseOnDemand provides an indispensable tool for Xero users aiming to elevate their expense management game.

7 Big Wins For Xero Users

ExpenseOnDemand offers several key features that particularly benefit Xero users; enhancing the overall experience, and streamlining the financial management processes. Interested to learn more? Glad you asked. Here's how:

1. Seamless Integration

Automatic Data Sync: ExpenseOnDemand integrates completely seamlessly with Xero, enabling the fully-automatic synchronisation of expense data. All your critical data – expense records, receipt scanning, and reports – are touchlessly transferred to Xero, without the need for any manual intervention.

Real-time Updates: Any changes or updates made in ExpenseOnDemand are instantly reflected in Xero, ensuring that your financial data is always up-to-date and accurate. No more contradictory expense data.

2. Enhanced Expense Management

Automated Credit Card Feeds: With features like the automated credit card feed via Plaid integration, Xero users can automatically import and categorise credit card transactions. Again, you’re looking at a big reduction in manual data entry and errors.

Container Functionality: Organise expenses into containers for specific projects, trips, or categories, making it a breeze to manage and track specific expenses. This organisation helps with better reporting and analysis within Xero.

3. Streamlined Approvals and Compliance

Auto Approval Function: Set up automatic approval workflows for expenses below a certain amount, reducing the need for manual approval processes and speeding up reimbursement times.

Policy Compliance: You’re able to ensure all expenses adhere to company policies with built-in compliance checks, helping maintain accurate records in Xero.

4. Improved Reporting and Analysis

Customisable Reports: Generate detailed and totally-customizable expense reports within ExpenseOnDemand that are easily exported to Xero. This gives you more comprehensive, complete insights into spending patterns.

Advanced Analytics: Use ExpenseOnDemand's analytics tools to enhance clarity in expenses, which can be synced with Xero for more robust financial analysis.

5. Our User-Friendly Mobile App

Mobile Accessibility: ExpenseOnDemand offers an intuitive mobile app, allowing employees to capture and submit expenses on-the-go. Expenses are then automatically synced with Xero, providing real-time updates and reducing administrative overhead.

6. Global Support and Multi-Currency Handling

Global Reach: ExpenseOnDemand supports multi-currency transactions – ideal for global businesses in diverse economic regions. This ensures all expenses are recorded and converted in Xero, for consistency in financial reporting.

Dedicated Support: Xero users also benefit from our dedicated, 24/7 customer support. Any – and we do mean any– issues or queries are promptly addressed, facilitating smooth integration and operation.

Ultimately, integrating ExpenseOnDemand with Xero is about three bottom-line benefits. It means enhanced expense management; improved accuracy; and valuable time savings. This allows you and your business to focus more on strategic financial planning and less on low-payoff admin tasks.

How the Platform Benefits Small Businesses With AI

AI-Powered Features

Our AI tech automatically captures and inputs expense data from receipts, invoices, and credit card transactions – drastically reducing manual entry and the potential for errors. In addition, AI algorithms can analyse expense data and categorise it more accurately, saving precious time and ensuring consistency across your financial records.

There’s also an upside in terms of fraud detection. AI continuously monitors expense claims for anomalies and flags suspicious activities, helping to prevent fraud and protect your business’s financial integrity.

And that’s not all. When it comes to predictive analytics, AI gives insights and forecasts based on historical expense data; aiding in better budgeting and financial planning, ensuring you stay ahead of financial challenges.

Expense Management Tools

With AI-powered expense management tools, small business owners can leverage a whole host of operational difference-makers:

  • Automated Approval Workflows: Set up rules for automatic approval of expenses below a certain threshold, streamlining the approval process and accelerating reimbursements.
  • Real-Time Expense Tracking: Track live expenses via an intuitive dashboard, giving you immediate visibility into spending and financial health.
  • Credit Card Integration: Auto-import and categorise credit card transactions through integrations (with providers like Plaid), ensuring all expenses are accurately captured.
  • Customisable Policies: Define and enforce expense policies within the platform. This ensures compliance with company guidelines and reduces the risk of policy violations.
  • Mileage Tracking: Use GPS and Google Maps integration for accurate mileage tracking and smarter travel expense reporting.
  • Vendor Management: Manage and pay vendors directly through the platform. This keeps all expense-related activities in one place, for streamlined operations and better partner relationships.

Key Take: What Are the Advantages For Small Businesses?

So – if we zoom out and look at the big picture – what does this all mean for small business owners like you? What key benefits do users yield?

Well, by automating manual processes associated with expense management, small businesses achieve new levels of cost efficiency. These savings can be redirected to more critical areas of the business, promoting faster growth and efficiency. Similarly, automated data entry, smart categorisation, and streamlined approval processes unlock valuable time savings for business owners and employees – allowing you to focus on core business activities, rather than administrative tasks.

AI significantly reduces human errors in expense reporting, leading to improved accuracy in financial records and minimising the risk of costly mistakes. Enhanced compliance is the result of customisable policies and real-time tracking – reducing risk and upholding financial integrity – and you also gain better financial control through real-time insights and predictive analytics, for more informed decision-making and proactive financial management.

And as your business grows, ExpenseOnDemand grows with you, offering the scalability to meet your evolving needs. The platform offers more advanced features and integrations to dovetail with your growth, ensuring dynamic support and flexibility.

Eyes On The Future Of Finance Management

For Xero users and small businesses, the future of finance management is bright – and AI is at the forefront of this transformation.

With AI-driven innovations, you can expect more streamlined processes, enhanced accuracy, and deeper insights into your finances, with far-reaching impacts that have the potential to revolutionise your operations. At ExpenseOnDemand, we’re proud to be leading the charge in this new era; delivering a platform that not only meets the evolving needs of today but anticipates the demands of tomorrow.

As an industry we continue to grow. In-step, we will continually integrate cutting-edge features to further simplify expense management. That guiding dedication to innovation ensures that small businesses and Xero users alike always have access to the most advanced tools, enabling you to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Through AI, ExpenseOnDemand is not just making finance management easier; we help you redefine what’s possible.

Why leave it there?

Business Expense Management Reimagined: Streamline, Control, and Grow

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