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Introducing Xero Mentor Match, a mentoring program for accounting and bookkeeping partners

August 27, 2024

This article originated from the Xero blog. The XU Hub is an independent news and media platform - for Xero users, by Xero users. Any content, imagery and associated links below are directly from Xero and not produced by the XU Hub.
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It’s no secret the accounting and bookkeeping industry has been battling a critical talent shortage for some time. In fact, we’ve conducted new research that reveals almost two-thirds of employing practices (65%) have experienced challenges with finding and keeping the right staff in recent years.

Our report, Reshaping accounting and bookkeeping: Image, talent and the way forward, suggests this talent problem is, in part, due to an image problem, with most accountants and bookkeepers (81%) agreeing their industry needs to do a better job of conveying the full scope and impact of what they do. While these issues can’t be solved in isolation, there are things we can do to help resolve them.

This is why we’re launching Xero Mentor Match, a new peer-to-peer mentoring initiative for Xero’s Australian accounting and bookkeeping partners. The program aims to offer you – the accounting and bookkeeping community – a platform for connection, whether you’re looking to educate and inspire your peers, or learn from industry-leading role models who represent what it means to be an advisor today.

How Mentor Match works

Xero has partnered with Mentorloop – which provides mentoring software trusted by organisations worldwide – to bring the Mentor Match program to life. It uses a unique algorithm to analyse program cohorts and create equitable, peer-to-peer connections. This means mentors and mentees are matched according to their complementary interests, skills and goals.

Mentor Match is for all Xero partners (ie, anyone who works in an accounting or bookkeeping firm that is part of the Xero partner program), from practice owners and decision-makers through to undergraduates and interns. Regardless of your age, experience or skill level, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from the industry’s brightest minds, or inspire – and be inspired by – the next generation of talent.

Meet the foundation mentors

Headshots of the fifteen leading accountants and bookkeepers who have joined the Xero Mentor Match program as foundation mentors.

Speaking of bright minds, we’ve launched Mentor Match with some of the industry’s best. Anyone who joins the program could have a chance to be matched with one of the foundation mentors. This is a group of Xero Partner Advisory Council members, past Xero Award winners, and some influential names in the accounting and bookkeeping community, including:

Are you ready to meet your match?

If you’re looking to help shape what it means to be an accountant or bookkeeper today, Mentor Match is the program for you. Head to the Xero Mentor Match web page to learn more, and sign up to become a mentor, mentee, or both in just a few minutes.

Let the matchmaking begin!

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