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We’re answering your questions about new invoicing

June 20, 2024

This article originated from the Xero blog. The XU Hub is an independent news and media platform - for Xero users, by Xero users. Any content, imagery and associated links below are directly from Xero and not produced by the XU Hub.
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Earlier this year we communicated that we’ll be retiring the older version of our invoicing product – classic invoicing – on 2 September 2024. You may have questions about this change, so we thought we’d answer a few of the most common ones people have been asking.

Does new invoicing support repeating invoices?

Yes, new invoicing supports repeating invoices. Previously, the workflow for creating repeating invoices in new invoicing was a bit different to classic invoicing. However, we’ve recently made updates so that creating repeating invoices works the same as in classic invoicing.

You can either start with a single draft invoice and go to the drop-down menu in the top-right corner to make it repeating, or head to the ‘Repeating’ tab on the invoice list page to create a new one. In this tab, you’ll also find all current repeating invoices. If you’re still using classic invoicing, don’t worry: all existing repeating invoices will continue to work in new invoicing.

What improvements have been made to keyboard efficiencies in new invoicing?

The auto-complete fields in new invoicing originally worked a little differently to those in classic invoicing. To bring them more closely into line, we’ve made efficiency improvements to the keyboard navigation in new invoicing.  

Searchable and drop-down input fields in invoicing (including in the table) now allow you to select an option from the drop-down and move to the next field using one key press: just press Tab.

We’re also working with customers to improve the readability and screen real estate, so keep an eye out for changes to the layout over the coming weeks.

What’s changed in history and notes?

Since we introduced history and notes to new invoicing at the end of the May, we’ve received a lot of positive feedback about how it enhances the new invoicing experience.

You’ve told us it’s important to  have an audit trail of what was changed in an invoice as well as who it was sent to. We’ve listened to this feedback and have rolled out the following updates:

  • Recording the send history, which shows which email address the invoice was sent to
  • Showing date- and time-stamps for each entry in history and notes
  • Displaying the history and notes section in a clear table format

If these updates are something you’ve been waiting for, jump in and give them a go. And, if you have any feedback about the updates to history and notes, please let us know in Xero Product Ideas.

The return of a hidden Easter egg

If you haven’t (re)discovered the beloved unicorn yet, just type ‘I want a unicorn’ into the description field of any invoice and see it grace your computer screen.

How do I switch to new invoicing?

When you’re ready, you can easily make the switch from classic invoicing to new invoicing via the ‘Switch to new version’ button. Some things may look a little different but you’ll catch on quick. And you don’t have to worry about losing your invoice templates or repeating invoices.

Learn more about new invoicing

We’ve launched Your guide to new invoicing, a course designed to help you familiarise yourself with the new version of invoicing and learn about the latest tips and tricks to get the most out of your experience. If you’re yet to give new invoicing a go or want to see what common tasks and new functionality look like under new invoicing, take a look. The course covers everything from creating a new invoice to adding discounts, adding items, adding a payment, and more.

Keeping you informed, every step of the way

Your feedback is important to us and we’re committed to keeping you updated on progress as we move towards September, when classic invoicing will be retired.

To see which features have already been released in new invoicing, which features are coming before classic invoicing is retired, and how new invoicing compares to the older version, visit the new invoicing releases page on Xero Central.

As always, we encourage you to share your ideas in Xero Product Ideas, and the support team is also here to help and give you a hand with any questions.

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