One place to manage all things business
Transfer to US Revolut accounts and worldwide instantly and free
If you’re outside the US, exchanging and transferring money with your stateside partners is about to get a whole lot cheaper once they join. For starters, payments and transfers between Revolut accounts – business or personal – are always free. Enjoy free worldwide payments to anyone with a Revolut Business account! Just think how much your businesses will save over time if you were both using Revolut?!
Exchange and transfer money at great rates
Your partners aren’t with Revolut yet? No problem. Exchanges with Revolut are fast, transparent and cost-effective.
Send and receive payments like a local
With Revolut Business, you don’t only get to open accounts without minimums but you truly get to do business globally like a local as you get local accounts in USD and GBP! More local accounts are coming soon, including EUR and AUD! As always with Revolut, you can receive, hold and exchange money in 28+ currencies worldwide with no hidden fees!
Empower your business with company debit cards
Keeping on top of your cash flow is critical for any business, big or small. Revolut Business knows how important this is, so we’ve created a number of innovative ways to help you manage your spending.
Stay in control with secure company debit cards
Get secure physical and virtual company debit cards for you and your team. There’s a lot going on underneath the pretty surface too. Stay in control of company spending by easily tracking all card spends, set limits and freeze cards all with one click.
The smart way to manage expenses
Keeping track of all your business expenses doesn’t have to be a messy and time-consuming affair. Our Expenses tool will help you stay organised and in total control of your spending! It helps you track, review and reconcile all your expenses in one place, and with just one click.
You're in charge with Subscriptions
It’s hard to keep track of all your subscriptions - the one your marketing team intern signed up for years ago and forgot to cancel; the ones that you may pay for twice because your finance team did not know that your marketing team already had it. We get it. That’s why with Revolut Business, you can control standing orders and recurring card payments from a single dashboard. Spot duplicates, pause subscriptions, and get notified of changes so you'll never overspend or continue with a subscription longer than you want to!
There’s a lot more that our innovative tools can do too, such as:
Connect all your apps and accounting tools
Revolut Business is one place to manage all things business – but sometimes, you’ll want to get even more from your account by connecting Revolut Business to your other favourite apps and services. Find all the latest apps and integrations from both Revolut and our partners in our pioneering Marketplace hub. We’ve rounded up some of the most powerful products that connect to your Revolut Business account. Save time and reduce errors with Expenses and optimise your processes with our external partners including the industry-leading Slack, Zapier, Xero and Quickbooks.
As you probably know, QuickBooks provide world class cloud-based accounting software, and together with them we’re able to give Revolut Business customers near real-time updates on your cash flow, expenses and payments.
We hope you get to take advantage of your new Revolut Business account to the fullest and don't forget, the one month trial is for a limited-time only*. It’s a win-win for everyone as you will both save on fees and FX! Signing up only takes a few minutes too. We can’t wait to welcome you and your US partners and do business smarter together.