From XU Magazine, 
Issue 40

New Features in Dext for Greater Efficiency and Integration

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In finance, staying ahead means embracing the latest in technology and automation. At Dext, we are committed to providing accountants and bookkeepers with cutting-edge solutions to simplify processes, improve accuracy and improve collaboration. As the industry evolves, so do our offerings, ensuring that our partners can focus more on strategic tasks and less on repetitive, manual work.

By recognising the dynamic nature of the accounting industry, we continuously strive to develop and implement tools that not only address current challenges but also anticipate future needs. This proactive approach allows us to deliver innovative solutions that significantly reduce the administrative burden on accountants and bookkeepers, enabling them to allocate more time and resources to high-value activities.

That’s why, after careful thought, steered by invaluable feedback from our customers, we’ve decided to upgrade Dext Prepare – combining it with features from Dext Precision and Dext Commerce to create one integrated experience. For the first time, you’ll have access to Data Capture, Data Automation, Data Health & Insight and Practice Productivity all in one place.

And to continue supporting our mission, we are excited to introduce a range of new features designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing workflows. These updates will further streamline operations and foster better collaboration with clients, making your job easier and more efficient. By leveraging these enhancements, you can ensure that your practice remains at the forefront of technological advancement, providing superior service to your clients and driving greater business success.

Dextension: Seamless Integration with Chrome

One of our most exciting new launches is Dextension, a free browser extension that’s already available for Chrome and Microsoft Edge. This tool allows you to view Dext data within Xero and QuickBooks interfaces, making it easier than ever to transition between Dext and your accounting software. The key benefit here is instant collaboration with clients to find missing documents, significantly reducing the time spent on administrative tasks. You can download Dextension for free on the Chrome Web Store.

We also have three new features coming soon:

AI-Powered Reconciliation with Supplier Statements

Our new Supplier Statement feature leverages AI to extract and understand supplier statements. This feature will help you reconcile invoice references and amounts quickly and accurately. By simplifying the process of requesting missing paperwork from suppliers, it’ll save you time and help manage cash flow more effectively.

Enhanced Control with Approvals

With the Approvals feature, you’ll be able to control how expense reports and invoices flow, complete with audit history. This tool will allow you to define multi-step and stage approval workflows for users and groups, ensuring that the right processes are followed every time. You can also set conditions for when approvals are needed, such as by Value, Supplier Category or Project, and enable auto-publishing after approval. The simple mobile and web experience will also make it easy for clients to use. This feature will be available at no extra charge with an existing subscription.

New Mileage Tracking Functionality

Mileage claims for both personal and company-owned vehicles will soon be tracked and added to expense reports with ease. Our new Mileage feature will allow users to create a mileage claim by recording the trip automatically or adding it after on the web or mobile application. Dext will then automatically calculate the amount that should be reimbursed based on legislative requirements or custom information. The feature will integrate seamlessly with Dext automations, including auto publishing and auto categorisation. Like the Approvals feature, Mileage is available at no charge with an existing subscription.

In our commitment to continue enhancing the efficiency and integration of accounting workflows, our team at Dext is always working on new features to make your life easier.

Whether it’s through seamless data viewing with Dextension, AI-powered reconciliation with Supplier Statements, enhanced control with Approvals, or simplified Mileage claims, these updates are designed to provide real-time data and complete records – the cornerstones of effective accountancy.

As we continue to innovate, we remain focused on delivering tools that not only meet the current needs of our users but also anticipate and support the future of accounting and bookkeeping. We’re excited about these new features and the value they will bring to your practice.

Case Study: Why Scrutton Bland trusts Dext and Xero to always deliver

Originally founded in 1919 by Alfred Scrutton and Frank Bland as two independent firms, and then merged in 1990, Scrutton Bland has always prioritized client needs. Initially providing tax support for returning war veterans and insurance services, to this day the firm continues to offer high-quality services across various sectors.

Ryan Pearcy, Associate Partner at Scrutton Bland, joined the firm to lead their digital transformation team.

The goal was making cloud accounting a standard service rather than a premium offering. The primary challenge, he discovered, often lies with clients.

"Clients don’t really understand this space. They know about cloud accounting and they know it can benefit them – but they often struggle to see how or why. An initial discussion should open their eyes to what is possible. They need to understand the vision, and you need to take them on that journey.”

Fear of change and a lack of understanding are common barriers for clients. Ryan emphasizes the need for clarity during this educational phase. To facilitate this, he highlights the importance of change through education, transparency and time. Simplifying the process and providing intuitive tools are key.

“The biggest impact I’ve experienced – the one that no one really focused on initially because everything was about features – is how easy is it for the user to actually engage and use the tool? An intuitive User Interface is critical to that, and that is the number one thing I focus on when looking at any apps.”

For Ryan, both Dext and Xero stand out due to their user-friendly interfaces. The integration between these tools not only simplify navigation for team members but are also easy for clients to use. According to him, demonstrating Dext's value with a phone and a piece of paper is an easy sell, effectively lowering the barrier for clients.

“Xero had the best connections and the best user interface. Similarly, we also chose Dext because it had the best user interface. We thought it’d be the easiest thing to roll out to our clients. We get the most engagement with it for the least effort from us.”

Usability and reliability are crucial for client onboarding and long-term use. “When we’re making our selection for client onboarding, the key thing is user interface; and when we’re considering what is the long-term benefit for the client, it’s reliability. And the integration between Dext and Xero is probably the most reliable out of any that I’ve ever seen in the ecosystem because it just doesn’t break.”

The impact of Dext and Xero on Scrutton Bland's operations is significant, particularly in bookkeeping.

Previously, the firm wasn’t competing in the bookkeeping market, but the efficiency provided by Dext and Xero changed that.

“We started winning this work without really meaning to. And it got to a stage where we now have a bookkeeping department by accident. We couldn’t have done any of that without Xero and Dext as a core.

Dext and Xero offer a cost-effective, scalable toolkit, enabling smooth transitions and integration with additional tools as needed.

This trust in their core tech stack ensures that Scrutton Bland continues to deliver excellent services while managing change effectively.

"We always go back to our core app stack, the software that we have the most faith in and that we know deliver – those are always Dext and Xero."

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